Encouraging Curious Christians to Explore Bible Stories.
available today!
“Anyone who ponders these Bible studies will come to terms not only with the storyline of the Bible but also with where each of us fit in God’s grand narrative.”
Speaker. Author. Leader.
Hi, y’all. I’m Kat.
I’m a Mexi-German Christ-follower that loves to teach the Bible. I’m living a multi-passion life but my mission is singularly focused: to spark holy curiosity. I’m hoping something I say or write compels you to look again at the Scriptures and cultivate a biblical imagination.
The Storyline Project
The Storyline Project Bible Studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the masterpiece that it is. Each study is five weeks long and can be paired with its thematic partner for a seamless ten-week study to fit in a church semester.