Why Lydia’s Story is One of My Favorites
I’m usually the one asking the questions on the Holy Curiosity podcast, but recently, the tables were turned! In a special bonus episode launching Season 2, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Dr. Rev. Nicole Massie Martin—she’s a powerhouse.
Rev. Dr. Martin is the Executive Director of Soul Fire International Ministries and the Chief Operating Officer at Christianity Today. With degrees from Vanderbilt, Princeton, and Gordon-Conwell, she’s a brilliant theologian, author, and leader who has dedicated her life to serving the church. It was such a joy to sit down with her and talk about the heart of Holy Curiosity.
Nicole flipped the script on me by asking:
"What’s one of your favorite Bible stories?"
Here’s my answer from the show…
Why I Love Lydia’s Story (Acts 16)
It’s impossible for me to pick just one favorite, but if I had to name a passage that has deeply shaped my faith, Lydia’s story in Acts 16 would be at the top of my list.
This part of Acts is where the early church begins gaining serious momentum. The gospel is moving—beyond Jerusalem, beyond Judea, beyond Samaria—out into the ends of the earth. And in Acts 16, Paul, Luke, Timothy, and Silas are on a missionary journey when Paul has a vision that changes everything.
Instead of going where he originally intended, he is redirected to Europe—the first time the gospel reaches an entirely new continent. And who does he encounter there?
Lydia: The First Christian Convert in Europe
Lydia was a businesswoman, a dealer of purple cloth, and a woman of influence in Philippi. When Paul met her, she was already a worshiper of God, and as he shared the message of Jesus, her heart was opened.
She became the first Christian convert in Europe, and she didn’t stop there. She brought her entire household to faith, was baptized, and immediately started using her resources and leadership to fund and establish the first church in Philippi.
Lydia is one of the most remarkable female leaders in the early church, and I love how God purposefully elevates and celebrates her role. Paul leaned on her as a co-laborer, and her leadership shaped the church in Philippi for generations.
Later, when Paul writes to the Philippians, he reflects on how this community—born out of Lydia’s hospitality—was one of his strongest partners in ministry. He thanks them, saying, “I thank God for your partnership.” (Philippians 1)
What Lydia’s Story Teaches Me
Lydia’s story is a powerful reminder of how one person’s faithfulness can change a family, a city, and launch a movement of God. She was a leader and an example of what it means to open both your heart and your home to God’s work.
She inspires me to be a woman my brothers and sisters in Christ can count on—someone who steps up in faith, offers what I have, and creates space for others to encounter Jesus.
Join Me for Season 2 of Holy Curiosity!
Listen to the bonus episode now and hear more of my conversation with Rev. Dr. Nicole Martin here: katarmstrong.com/podcast
Stay curious, y’all.